Thursday, September 25, 2014

Be a team player

Be a team player

Latino people are phenomenal at groups. They celebrate when someone achieves something as a group. They work hard to ensure the entire group achieves. They lift each other up together. So many white Americans have a feeling of isolation and defeat despite money and family. This is probably because as mammals we are programmed to want to be a member of a group. We need group mentality and group goals to feel whole. Without a group we tend to get depressed and sad. Our groups tend to consist if one person leading all others like a god on earth who can do no wrong and also tend to be the meanest and the loudest. Their power goes to their head and instead of doing what is best for the group they do what is best for themselves, and convince the whole group to do what is best for one person instead of what is best fr the group. They sacrifice because they think they will be next, that if they give in now, they will be the next recipient of all the awesomeness the current leader has, and that is how the current leader convinces them, manipulates tem to do things that aren't in their best interests. Think mean girls. This ha a lot to do with why we have millionaires that commit suicide. They got to the top. The best view but had to hurt so many people to get there, they have no one to share it with. The parties they have a just a bunch of people bragging about places they have been or thins they have done, that are half lies. The other half was them not actually enjoying those events. Or they take credit for thinking it up or going alone when someone else dragged them or carried them the whole time while they complained. I have been to these parties. I know. These people aren't connecting with other people. They spend their whole time in their phones, sending pictures of themselves having a wonderful time, or telling people what a wonderful time they are having, but they don't have a wonderful time in the moment. They complain about everything and make everyone jump through hoops to please them. They think it makes them special. They suck the life energy out of other people. Use their energy a hard work to have fun. Then take credit for it. My favorite is "going out dancing" when everyone does whatever dance move will get them the most attention. I dance to move to the rhythm of the beat. I don't care how I look. I don't care how you look. If you look like you are having a great time, I want to be near you. If you are looking around to see how everyone else sees you, you are going to be very alone, no matter how many people want to flick you, at that point they want to duck you for how you look. Not who you are. How can you have mind blowing sex with someone who only wants to look at you?? If its not mind blowing sex, what is the point if taking your clothes off? Why bother with the effort? Why waste our time with sex that is just kind of ok? Why not always strive or mind blowing? Earth shaking? Legs quivering? Can't walk talk or speak clearly sex? It has to be about connecting with other people. That has to be the goal in life. Sharing awesome sunsets with people you love. Sharing the sound of your child's laughter with someone you love. Cooking a delicious dinner and savoring it with someone you love. People you love. And I don't mean "people you have sex with" but "your people"; the people who see and know your flaws and still love you. The people who you can look at and they will start to laugh because they know EXACTLY what you are thinking. The people that will defend you to a crazy stranger then tease you about it later. The ones that know your weaknesses and encourage you to overcome them.

Fraternity brothers are useful in that they work together to accomplish great things. Often those things are a party, sometimes a clever initiation, sometimes studying en masse for a test so that everyone maintains their GPA. The key is that they learn to work together. Which is what will get them hired and accomplished later in life. Working together is the key to a successful business venture, new product launch, closing the deal. Frat boys have a tendency to figure out everyone's strengths and weaknesses fairly quickly and assign jobs based on skill set. The person who is best at x gets the x job. It's tribal. And like it or not we still live and function as tribes. Microsoft vs. Apple. Sports teams. Any job that requires many people to function as a unit to accomplish a task, needs employees that can work with others to get the job done efficiently and with minimal drama. So the celebration of accomplishment can begin. Sororities too.

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